The New Peak Performance Program
Powered by 360 Health
Reach your peak with the new Peak Performance Program powered by 360 Health. Peak Fitness has joined forces with 360 Health and Performance Medicine to bring clients a comprehensive way to improve their health and realize their wellness goals. 360 Health and Performance Medicine specializes in preventative, goal-oriented healthcare, making it an ideal partner for people interested in improving their overall sense of health and wellness.
How does it work?
Peak Fitness members are experiencing innovation firsthand through EMS training. This approach to fitness provides a potent and efficient host of benefits that make exercise possible to more individuals. The human body is a machine capable of adapting to a variety of external stimuli when properly supported. Performance medicine makes use of powerful peptides, pharmaceutical grade vitamins and supplements, and in some instances anabolic androgens to assist the body to its Peak Performance. Through this partnership, all members will receive the following benefits:
A full blood work review of both your metabolic and hormone panels through the clinic.
This is one of the most valuable bodies of information that is rarely examined thoroughly by primary care physicians. In this review you'll get information about which macronutrients your body needs to function properly. The truth is there isn't a one size fits all way to eat healthy. Without a full review, most people result to trial and error or a slew of different fad diets. Through proper metabolic analysis we can cut straight to the truth of what each individual body needs to perform at its peak.
The endocrine panel reveals hormonal imbalances that can prevent weight loss, impair cognition, cause challenges with physical and sexual performance, and cause challenges to our mental health and sense of wellbeing. This affects both men and women. Understanding what imbalances are affecting individual performance allows us to take action to improve the quality of our lives.
Access to programs and medications compounded by our FDA regulated pharmacies ensuring the highest quality and safety.
There are many underground pharmacies that sell peptides, hormones, and other performance medications online. The problem with this is quality control, and the high expense. Reputable pharmacies allow for reasonable pricing and safe, high-quality medications.
Read more about performance medicine below:
What is Performance Medicine?
Performance Medicine is an innovative approach to preventive healthcare, emphasizing support for the body to function at its best rather than merely treating chronic illnesses. The core philosophy behind this methodology is centered on the idea that healthcare should not only aim to keep people from feeling unwell but also focus on helping individuals feel their best.
At Team360 Health, Performance Medicine is practiced through the supplementation of bio-equivalent hormones, peptides, and other medications, which support the body's endocrine system in its natural biological processes. As we age, these processes become less efficient, leading to a reduction in the effectiveness of fundamental functions such as cell turnover. As a result, we experience a decline in our vitality, compared to the energy and vigor experienced earlier in life.
Performance Medicine aims to rectify these deficiencies by assisting the body in optimizing its essential processes, allowing it to operate more effectively, much like it did during its peak performance. An optimally functioning endocrine system not only bolsters the body's ability to defend against attacks and illnesses but also equips it to better cope with the chronic stress associated with modern living.
Individuals who embrace Performance Medicine typically enjoy an array of benefits, including heightened libido, increased motivation, improved drive, and a greater sense of fulfillment. They also experience enhanced mood, stronger musculature, faster physical recovery, heightened energy levels, and an overall improved sense of well-being. By tapping into these advantages, individuals can proactively enhance their health and vitality, enabling them to lead more fulfilling lives.